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Rules of Love, The 3rd edition

Rules of Love, The 3rd edition

Paperback by Templar, Richard

Rules of Love, The


eBook available - save £2.75
Publication Date:
26 Nov 2015
3rd edition / English
Pearson Education Limited
280 pages
For delivery:
New product available - 9781292435671
Rules of Love, The


Over 70,000 copies sold - the brand new edition of the bestselling guide to better relationships. NOW WITH 10 NEW RULES A personal code for happier, more fulfilling relationships Strong, loving relationships are what life is all about. And some people are really good at them. They find a partner who makes them happy and they know instinctively how to handle tricky times while keeping things fresh and rewarding. They have partnerships that stand the test of time and they make it look effortless. Is there something these people know that we don't? Is it something we can all benefit from? The answer is a resounding yes. They know the Rules of love. These Rules are the guiding principles that will help you form strong and enduring relationships, and support you when things aren't going the way that you wanted them to. In this new edition, Richard Templar has added 10 brand new Rules to help make your relationships even more rewarding. You'll feel the benefits, and so will everybody around you. For a life of fulfilling and rewarding relationships, you need The Rules of Love.


Introduction Rules for finding love 1 Be yourself 2 Get over it before you get on with it 3 You won't be happy with a partner until you can be happy on your own 4 You'll know them when you meet them 5 Choose someone who makes you laugh 6 Being less than a hundred per cent attractive is a great filter 7 Don't keep making the same mistakes 8 Certain people are off limits (you know who they are) 9 You can't change people 10 Relationships aren't about sex 11 Get to know someone through all the seasons before making any major decisions 12 Don't stay with someone who doesn't care 13 If you can't trust them, you haven't got a relationship 14 Be honest (while you still have the chance) 15 Don't play games 16 Don't tar new partners with old brushes 17 Check you both have the same shared goals 18 Create the power balance you both want 19 You can't make someone love you 20 Be cruel to be kind Relationship Rules 21 Be nice 22 Be together because you want to, not because you need to 23 Allow your partner the space to be themselves 24 Look to your own faults 25 Be honourable 26 Put each other first 27 Recognize the signs 28 Be a hero - or a heroine 29 Accept the differences, embrace what you have in common 30 Don't belittle your partner 31 You want to do what? 32 Let not the sun go down upon your wrath 33 Be the first to say sorry 34 Let them have the last word 35 Houston, we have a problem 36 Don't put them on a pedestal and expect them to stay there 37 Know when to listen and when to act 38 Never stop trying to be attractive 39 If you can say something nice, do 40 Don't try to be their parent 41 Be part of their life 42 If little things annoy you, say so - with humour 43 Go that extra step in trying to please them 44 Make sure your partner is always pleased to see you 45 Don't dump responsibility on your partner 46 Let them know if you don't like their friends 47 Jealousy is your stuff, not theirs 48 Your partner is more important than your kids 49 Make time for romance 50 Have a passion for your life together 51 Share the workload 52 Trust the other one to do the job 53 Don't be a nag 54 Make sure your love making is making love 55 Don't control them 56 Listen to what they're not saying 57 Most everyday arguments are about something else 58 Respect privacy 59 Treat your partner better than your best friend 60 Don't be offended if they want some space 61 Men like flowers too 62 Keep your finances separate 63 Contentment is a high aim 64 Be generous to each other financially 65 You make a choice every day 66 Don't be a martyr 67 Stop sniping - someone has to 68 You don't both have to have the same rules 69 Do it their way if it matters more to them 70 Put yourself in their shoes 71 In-laws are part of the package 72


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