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Study Skills

Study Skills


Prepare for exams


How to Make Working in Groups Work

Event Update - Video now available

Study Skills

Learning a New Skill - Inspiring Your Future

Event Update - Video now available

Employability Skills

Make the Next Presentation You Do, the Best You Have Ever Done - Emma Ledden

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ICT skills/digital literacy

The Importance of Computer Literacy

Academic writing

How to understand and produce good arguments at university

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Academic writing

Critical Reading and Self-Critical Writing for Postgraduates

Event Update - Video now available

Study Skills

How Charts Work Understand and explain data with confidence

Event Update - Video now available

ICT skills/digital literacy

Tips on conferencing tools

Academic writing

Planning your Social Science Dissertation

Event Update - Video now available


Organisation Who

Student blog by Sumaiyya Ravat


Doing Social Science Research

Event Update - Video now available

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