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Student Blogs

A Blog by Michael - A Student at York St John University - Keeping data Safe

Top tips for keeping your data safe Read more »

A blog by Millie - A 3rd year Media & Performance Student (Salford University)

Millie - Blog Class of 2022 The count-down has begun. 16 days to go, 15, 14, how is it already the end of university? It feels like yesterday that we were fresh faced and... Read more »

A Blog by Elliott - A 3rd Year University of Chester student Course Start Tips

So what did I need when a started University?
Here are a few tips of items I think you will need when starting your course.
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A Blog by Elliott - A 3rd Year University of Chester student Homesick - It happens to us all

When you first come to university and your family have said farewell you may start feeling homesick after a few days, I mean I sure did!
Missing family loved ones and friends is natural, however I want to discuss my personal experience of this with you
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A Blog by Elliott - A 3rd Year University of Chester student Money Saving

In this installation of my student blog, I have a few money saving tips for you all. So, to begin with I would like to state this won't be the revolution you may think it is going to be it will be more about saving you a few quid here and a few quid there, let's begin: Read more »

A blog by Millie - A 3rd year Media & Performance Student (Salford University)

MOVING IN TIP #1: Put your tea, coffee, and mugs at the top of your bag. After a long journey you (or in my case, my grandma) will be very grateful. ... Read more »

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