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A blog by Millie - A 3rd year Media & Performance Student (Salford University)

A blog by Millie - A 3rd year Media & Performance Student (Salford University)

Millie - Blog Class of 2022

The count-down has begun. 16 days to go, 15, 14, how is it already the end of university? It feels like yesterday that we were fresh faced and lugging our bags through the hallways of Peel Park to start on this brand-new adventure.

With house plant in hand, the moving of 3 years accumulation of notes and keep-sakes has started. This can't of fitted in the car last time!

As a Film Production student, I'm fortunate enough to not have exams but the pressure is still on. With essays due, it's time for most of us to get our heads down. However, it's hard not to drift off, thinking about life after graduating. What will I do? Where do I want to be? Manchester? London? Somewhere else entirely?

With friends going here, there, and everywhere, it's quite normal to feel overwhelmed by all of the changes. The big wide world is scary! Not to mention, no more student loan.

I've found that searching for jobs has helped, looking for places I want to live and getting excited about life beyond university. It's nice to feel ready to move on, even if it is bittersweet. With the Class 2022 having borne the brunt of the full COVID pandemic, strikes and blended learning, I think we can safely say that our uni experience has been like no other. We are part of a unique generation of graduates who have had to go through so much to get our degrees. But we did. We made it and here we are, a few months away from graduating, (a few weeks away from final hand ins!) with smiles on our faces. No matter how tough this past 3 years have been, we have fought on, we can all be so proud of ourselves.

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